What You Should Do After a Car Accident Schedule a Free Consultation
Written by: Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers Last Updated : May 1, 2024

What You Should Do Immediately After a Car Accident

First Car Accident? Do These 10 Things Immediately

Accidents happen, so it’s always a good idea to be prepared. Because although they’re unexpected, they happen, even to experienced drivers. You can be prepared by learning to do these 10 things immediately after a car accident

If you’re new to driving, knowing exactly what to do when an accident occurs is essential. There are steps you should always take, regardless of who’s at fault. Even a fender-bender will be scary if it’s your first car accident. But if you know what to do beforehand, it’ll be less so.

If you follow these 10 essential steps, then you can rest assured that things will run as smoothly as possible when resolving insurance settlements, taking care of medical claims, or going to court, if it comes to that.

1. Do Not Drive Off

Even if you think the accident is minor, don’t just leave. It’s important to ensure all parties involved are uninjured and that no damage is done to any vehicle.

Even if you’re the only person involved in an accident, you’re responsible for possible property damage. It’s never okay to leave the scene of an accident.

2. Move to the Side

If this is your first car accident, and even if it isn’t, you may think that you should leave your car exactly where the accident happened. But that’s not always the case. If possible, it’s best to move to the side of the road. That way, you can safely access the situation and exchange information without blocking traffic.

3. Assess the Situation

Take a good look at the damage that’s done to any vehicles involved and see if anyone is injured. The top priority is attending to anyone requiring first aid, CPR, or an ambulance.

After that, walk all around your vehicle and any other vehicle involved in the accident to see what kind of damage has been done.

4. Call the Police

If anyone is injured, call 911 right away. If it’s not an emergency, call the non-emergency police line.

Should this be your first car accident, you may not know that many insurance companies require a police report. Getting an unbiased assessment of the accident is also a good idea.

5. Write it Down

Write down precisely what happened while it’s still fresh in your memory. Sometimes the effects of a concussion or whiplash won’t be felt until hours later. But both can affect your memory of events. This will also help you to recall what happened to the police so that they can make an accurate report.

Do NOT admit fault.

6. Take Pictures

Nowadays, Everyone has access to cameras on their phones, so it’s easy to get photos of the scene. Take pictures of any damage to all vehicles.

Also, take pictures of the people involved in the accident and any witnesses, plus pictures of where the witnesses stood when the accident occurred.

7. Exchange Information

Even though a police officer will take down this information, it’s still a good idea to have it for yourself if you are involved in a collision.

Take down the vehicles’ names, make, models, colors, and years.

You should also get insurance information directly from the other person’s card. That way, you can see if their insurance is up-to-date. Keep a file with all of this information and the above information. Also, keep records of all contact with your insurance.

DO NOT allow your license or registration to be photographed.

DO NOT provide your address or contact information to the other driver.

8. Contact Your Insurance

Contact your insurance company right away. It’s required by most insurance companies to let them know of any accident, regardless of damage. Have your policy information ready. But you should also verify what is covered regarding damage, liability, and medical. Some insurance policies include a car rental if your car needs repair.

If your car needs repairs or is totaled, your car will need to be evaluated by a claims adjuster. This person will assess the damage to your car. Based on this evaluation, they will determine the cost the insurance will pay for repairs. If your car is totaled, your insurance should pay for the value of the car, depending on your policy.

You have the right to have your car evaluated by a mechanic of your choice and repaired by a mechanic. You or the other person’s insurance company can pay you or your mechanic directly. However, some insurance companies do require that mechanics are licensed and approved.

In addition, any payment of repairs, replacement, or medical bills is less than any deductible you might have on your insurance policy.

9. Seek Medical Attention

It goes without saying that if you or anyone involved in a car accident is injured, you should seek medical attention right away. Calling for an ambulance is okay, even if your injuries aren’t visible. A car accident often leaves a person disoriented, in shock, and unfit to drive.

Some injuries don’t show up immediately after a car accident. Neck and back pain may turn up a day or two afterward. Even minor car accidents can cause major and even permanent injuries.

Seek medical attention immediately, even if you believe you’re okay, but especially if you lost consciousness for any time. It’s always helpful to have documentation from a medical professional.

10. Notify Your Attorney

One of the most important things you can do after a car accident is to call your attorney. An attorney is always looking out for your best interest. The other parties involved and your insurance company are not.

Even if you never have to go to court, your attorney can give you great advice on ensuring you’re getting the most compensation to cover any medical bills, car repairs or replacements, or even loss of wages due to missing work. Most lawyers specializing in auto accidents and injuries only get paid if you do. This means you don’t have to pay legal fees above and beyond compensation.

Your First Car Accident

What to do after a car collision?

Before you get into your car the next time or get into your first car accident, make sure you know what to do. This means keeping a list like this in your glove box.

You may believe that you know what to do, but following a car accident, most people don’t have their wits about them. And you might find yourself dealing with someone who also doesn’t have their wits about them.

Car accidents can be scary. But if you’re prepared, you can handle things calmly and with little conflict.

Good luck, and drive safe!

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