Dallas Attorneys for Car Crashes Caused by Driver Fatigue Schedule a Free Consultation
Written by: Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers Last Updated : May 1, 2024

Dallas Attorneys for Car Crashes Caused by Driver Fatigue

driver fatigueA car accident can leave you overwhelmed and potentially seriously injured. You might be entitled to compensation if you were involved in a crash caused by driver fatigue in Dallas that was not your fault. The attorneys at Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers recognize that money cannot compensate for the physical, mental, and emotional injuries you may have sustained due to the accident.

However, compensation can help cover your medical costs, future medical costs, and daily expenses if you’re unable to work. The compassionate and experienced Dallas Texas car accident attorneys of Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers fight hard to protect your rights and seek fair compensation to help pay for your injuries and other accident-related losses. Call our office today at (214) 777-7777 for a free consultation and case evaluation.

How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit?

Texas law limits the time you have to file a personal injury lawsuit. In some instances, you may not be able to recover fair compensation by negotiating with the at-fault party’s insurance company. In this is the case in your situation, you may choose to file a personal injury lawsuit to seek restitution in court.

However, you must file the lawsuit within two years of the date of the accident. The statute of limitations dictates this period. If a lawsuit is not filed within two years, you likely relinquish your rights to pursue compensation and justice through the court system.

What Is Driver Fatigue?

Driver fatigue is a severe problem. According to the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration, it was a factor in 697 deaths in 2019. Fatigue is a biological warning that your body requires rest. Unfortunately, many otherwise responsible individuals believe that driving when they’re a little sleepy is not a big deal.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, fatigue can slow your thinking and reduce your attention span. Each of these functions is essential when you are behind the wheel. Fatigue also impacts your decision-making skills.

The risks of driving drowsy or driver fatigue can sometimes have tragic results. The CDC reports that one out of every 25 adults admitted they fell asleep behind the wheel in the past 30 days. Drowsiness makes the driver less attentive, slows reaction time, and affects their decision-making ability.

A lack of sleep affects your coordination, judgment, and reaction time in the same way that drinking too much alcohol does. After being awake for at least 18 hours, your skill set is the same as someone with a blood alcohol content of 0.05 percent, and after 24 hours, it’s equal to a blood alcohol content of 0.10 percent. This is higher than the legal limit in all states.

Types of Injuries from Crashes Caused by Driver Fatigue

nighttime car accident

All types of injuries are possible when driver fatigue is responsible for a car accident. When a driver is fatigued, they may not react quickly enough to stop in time and end up rear-ending the car in front of them. If they fall asleep at the wheel, their car may run off the road or strike a car in the opposite direction. Driver fatigue may also cause the driver to allow the car to swerve into the next lane and sideswipe another vehicle.

The following are just examples of the types of injuries that can happen when a driver is fatigued:

Types of Available Compensation

After being involved in a car accident that was not your fault, you may have questions about the type of compensation that might be available. The compassionate and experienced attorneys from Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers are available to discuss the details of your case and advise you about your legal options.

Generally speaking, economic and non-economic damages are potentially available to the victim. Economic damages are compensation for verifiable and objective expenses for which you normally have a receipt. This can include documentation of lost wages, medical expenses, and replacement for damaged property.

Non-economic damages are compensation for subjective, intangible losses. You may be entitled to an award of damages to compensate you for emotional pain and suffering, mental or emotional distress, loss of consortium, or loss of enjoyment of life.

In rare circumstances, a judge may award exemplary damages in a personal injury lawsuit. These damages are not awarded to compensate you. Instead, they are awarded to you to punish the defendant when their actions were grossly negligent, malicious, or fraudulent.

How We Can Help

After a car accident, the at-fault party’s insurance company may send an insurance adjuster to speak with you. While they often present themselves as your friend, their job is to gather evidence to disprove your claim. An insurance adjuster may ask you about the details of the accident or ask you to make a recorded statement. You are within your rights to refuse until you have legal representation.

Our compassionate attorneys are skilled negotiators and have many years of experience negotiating with insurance companies. When you hire us, we will advise you about communicating with the insurance company. We can help prevent you from inadvertently saying something that will reduce the compensation you receive for your claim. We’ll work to negotiate a full and fair settlement with the insurance company on your behalf.

Our lawyers are tenacious litigators when negotiation is unsuccessful and will aggressively represent you in court. When you or someone you know needs a personal injury attorney in Dallas, think Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers.

Call Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers for Help After a Crash Caused by Driver Fatigue

The legal team at Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers is here to help you. Suppose you or a loved one was involved in a car accident in the Dallas area caused by the other driver’s fatigue. In that case, our legal team will fight to protect your rights and seek fair compensation to cover your injuries and other accident-related losses.

We believe our clients deserve to be represented by an accomplished attorney with whom they are comfortable and trust. We encourage you to call our office today at (214) 777-7777 or reach out to us online to schedule a free consultation and case evaluation to review the details of your case and have your questions answered.

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