Equipment Failures Schedule a Free Consultation
Written by: Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers Last Updated : May 1, 2024

Dallas Boat Equipment Failure Attorneys

If you or someone you know has been injured in a boating accident caused by equipment failure, you may be entitled to compensation. It doesn’t matter whether you have been severely hurt during a recreational day out on the lake or as a worker or crew member. You deserve compensation for your pain, suffering, and medical expenses. This is especially true since negligence elsewhere is to blame for your accident.

Medical bills can often be staggeringly high, and insurance companies can’t always be relied upon to help soften the blow. Time taken off work to deal with the situation can be an even bigger drain on expenses at an already stressful time. Unexpected accidents like this can leave you with little to fall back on and no clue about how to move forward.

Fortunately, Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers is well-versed in equipment failure injury cases. We can help steer you in the right direction. You shouldn’t be held responsible for the mistakes of a negligent boat owner or a company that produces faulty products. Our attorneys want to help you move forward after your accident. For more information on how a personal injury attorney can help you recover financial resources and get justice for yourself or a loved one, contact Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers today at (214) 777-7777.

Why You Need an Attorney

If you want to pursue being compensated for your injuries, pain, and expenses, it’s necessary that you contact an attorney. People who decide to represent themselves in personal injury cases often become overwhelmed by all the deadlines, jargon, experience, and knowledge it takes to walk away with a win. Even if they are awarded some money for damages, they are usually taken advantage of and get paid less than what they deserve.

Filing a personal injury claim is much more complicated and frustrating than people might expect. However, claiming what you are rightfully due after a boating accident doesn’t have to be a hassle. A knowledgeable injury attorney can do more than represent you in court. They will also collect evidence, keep track of dates and deadlines, talk with experts in the field, and negotiate for a settlement on your behalf. Your lawyer ensures your case is treated with the seriousness it deserves. It’s worth investing in an attorney’s help if you are serious about winning your claim, which you have the right to be after being hurt by another person’s negligence.

Why Choose Us?

At Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers, we understand that sustaining an injury in an accident that was not your fault is both painful and frustrating. Likely, you want to move past it as soon as possible. But taking the next step may seem daunting. Fortunately, we have made it our goal to help people who have been unfairly injured due to the negligence of others. We’ve successfully been pursuing this in the Dallas area for years. Our clients have won back millions of dollars in damages thanks to the help of our qualified legal team.

Our founder, attorney Jeff Benton, has seen corporations and individuals, overconfident in their ability to wield money and status, try to pay victims as little as possible when they’ve been hurt by negligence. He aims to stop these bullies through superior litigation, attention to detail, and hard work. As a result, he’s helped numerous Dallas-area families claim compensation. D Magazine named Jeff Benton one of Dallas’s best lawyers. He’s been honored with the John Howie Award by the Dallas Trial Lawyers Association for his work in pursuing justice for the most vulnerable people.

When you work with us, you won’t pay any fees until we win your case because we understand that health and recovery are the most important things you must worry about after an accident. We’ll help you maximize your recovery time by doing the legal heavy lifting. Unlike some larger firms, which are occasionally guilty of ignoring the concerns of their clients during a case, we’ll keep you updated and address your questions every step of the way. With Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers, you can rest easy knowing that your case is in capable hands. Don’t miss out on the chance to collect the compensation you need–call (214) 777-7777 or email us for a free consultation of your case.

Cases We Handle

Because people often don’t wear protective equipment on the water and because of the unexpected nature of this type of accident, injuries sustained by equipment failure on boats can be very serious. Of course, there are many ways equipment failure can cause harm. Lights, rigging, steering mechanisms, motors, and other necessary equipment should always be properly maintained to avoid injuries and fatal accidents.

People get hurt when they’re not maintained or faulty. That can mean the company that produced the product could be to blame. At Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers, we’re prepared to collect evidence, interview witnesses, and consult with experts to resolve your case. Types of accidents that could be caused by equipment failure are:

  • Collisions with other watercraft or individuals
  • Personal injury while aboard the boat, for example, getting caught in cables or rigging
  • Falling overboard due to rusted/unsafe railings
  • Faulty lifejackets or lifeboats

If you believe you have a personal injury claim because of boat equipment failure, our firm is ready to hear what you say. Because “equipment failure” is such a large umbrella, there are many ways to have a case against another individual or company. The poor maintenance on a boat may hurt you. Or you may be the victim of faulty equipment that was the direct cause of the accident that injured you. Regardless, we can help you uncover the root causes of your accident and get you the help you need.
Contact us today to get more information about your options moving forward. You may be able to win back the money you’ve lost due to time off work and medical expenses.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following list of frequently asked questions about boat equipment failure cases. If you still have questions and want to learn more, contact us at (214) 777-7777 or email us for a free consultation.

I work on a boat and was injured on the job. Can I sue my employer?

While you can collect worker’s compensation insurance if your employer carries it (which most do). There are extenuating circumstances for being able to sue your employer for pain and suffering. If your employer does not have worker’s compensation insurance, you may be able to sue them if you believe the accident was their fault. You may even be able to prove that they acted intentionally to hurt you. Texas allows employers to be sued for gross negligence, but the employee has to have died. As a result the family would sue on their behalf. There are many details to keep in order when attempting to sue an employer that our firm would be able to help you make sense of.

How long do I have to file a claim?

The statute of limitations for personal injury in Texas is two years. It is also two years for product liability and wrongful death. This time limit generally begins when the injury occurred, but sometimes, it begins when the victim knew or should have known about it. To prevent yourself from missing out on your opportunity to collect money in damages, you should be sure to file a claim as soon as you can.

How much money can I win by filing a claim?

If you’ve just been through a traumatic, injury-causing accident, we understand your need to know the benefits before launching yourself and your family into a lawsuit. There are a multitude of factors that can affect how much a personal injury claim is worth. Plus, there are many reasons why it could be beneficial to you. At Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers, we’ve been able to win monetary amounts into the millions for our clients, but it all depends on the circumstances of the accident, the injuries sustained, and the evidence provided.

Contact Us

If you have been injured in a boating accident caused by equipment failure, don’t hesitate to pursue legal action through Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers. These kinds of accidents hit unexpectedly and are always devastating. With so much boat activity in the Dallas area, we must keep people accountable so everyone remains safe.

Our firm will do everything to ensure you get the compensation you need after spending your time, energy, and money fixing someone else’s mistake. Contact us for a FREE consultation by calling (214) 777-7777 or filling out a contact form online and speaking with a knowledgeable boat accident attorney today.


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