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Dallas T-Bone Truck Accident Attorneys

T-bone – or side-impact – accidents involving large trucks are unfortunately not uncommon. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 24 percent of passenger vehicle occupants killed in two-vehicle crashes with a large truck were side-struck by the truck.

Cars can handle a surprising amount of physical force in an accident. Manufacturers perform tests to ensure their vehicles can handle the impact of another car on the front, rear, and sides. Unfortunately, most can’t stand up to a commercial vehicle. When a small passenger car gets T-boned by a large 18-wheeler, the result can be catastrophic.

If you were the victim of a T-bone truck accident in Dallas, you probably suffered devastating injuries that require expensive medical treatment. You may be entitled to substantial compensation from the truck driver or their employer. However, truck accident cases are complicated, and securing the full financial award you’re owed can be challenging.

At Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers, an experienced legal team will fight for your rights and seek the justice you deserve. To find out if you have a case that we can help you pursue, call us at (214) 777-7777 to schedule a free consultation with one of our Dallas T-bone truck accident attorneys.

What Causes a T-Bone Truck Accident?

The most common place where T-bone truck accidents occur is in intersections. The truck driver might run a red light or stop sign if they’re tired, impaired, or distracted. Even if the person in a passenger vehicle is alert and a good defensive driver, avoiding a collision with a large commercial truck can be difficult.

Common causes of T-bone truck crashes include:

  • Failure to yield the right of way at an intersection
  • Speeding
  • Failure to stop at a stop sign or red light
  • Driver inattention
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Failure to check for oncoming vehicles at an intersection or while turning

Whatever the cause of the T-bone truck accident, you might be able to seek monetary compensation from the at-fault party. If the truck driver or trucking company’s actions were negligent, they should be the ones to pay for your expenses.

Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers has the experience and resources to collect the right evidence that proves fault. A complicated legal procedure is involved when performing an investigation that most people can’t handle alone. Our Dallas T-bone truck accident attorneys will work diligently to find the cause of the crash and hold those accountable for their actions.

Catastrophic Injuries Are More Common in T-Bone Truck Accidents

A T-bone collision can lead to debilitating, life-threatening, or fatal injuries. A small car could crumple like an accordion from the force of the crash and crush anyone inside. Victims could also suffer injuries from banging their heads against the window or steering wheel. The most common injuries that result from a T-bone trucking crash include:

  • Crush injuries: The impact between a commercial vehicle and a small car can pin the driver or passengers under a collapsed roof or between the side door and center console. This could cause broken bones, head trauma, severe lacerations, and nerve damage. In more severe cases, the victim could lose a limb in the collision or require surgical amputation.
  • Upper body injuries: Even wearing a seat belt, your back, head, and neck are susceptible to trauma. You could suffer whiplash, a concussion, damage to your spinal cord, or paralysis.
  • Lower body injuries: The abdominal area and hips are typically secure within a seat belt; however, a side-impact crash could pin the lower body beneath the crumbling structure of the car. The legs, feet, or pelvic area could become crushed as a result.
  • Psychological injuries: When a person experiences a traumatic event, they could develop a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD. A T-bone truck accident could cause this type of injury to last short-term or for the rest of someone’s life. Often, medical intervention is necessary, such as appointments with a therapist or prescribed medication.

The Way You Handle a T-Bone Truck Accident Could Impact the Result of Your Case

Victims are usually in shock and pain during the immediate aftermath of a collision with a commercial truck and don’t know what to do next. You must follow these steps to secure your rights and ensure you can recover compensation from the party that caused the accident.

  1. Report the accident to law enforcement. When there’s an injury or fatality, it’s important to call 911 and wait for an officer to arrive at the scene and investigate the cause of the crash. They’ll write a traffic crash report that you can request a copy of when it becomes available.
  2. Get information from the truck driver, such as their name, employer’s name, contact information, and insurance information.
  3. If you can move around safely, take photos of the accident site and vehicle damage.
  4. Get the names and phone numbers of people who witnessed the collision.
  5. Undergo a medical evaluation of your injuries and begin the doctor’s recommended treatment plan.
  6. Keep copies of everything related to the accident and your injuries, such as medical records, receipts, prescriptions, and out-of-pocket expenses.
  7. File an insurance claim with the truck driver’s liability insurance and your UM insurance.
  8. Hire a Dallas T-bone truck accident attorney from Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers.

If you’re the victim of a T-bone crash and you intend to seek compensation, the insurer may try to get you to do or say things that could prevent you from recovering the maximum settlement.

It’s important to be aware of the following:

  • Don’t admit fault for the crash. Texas follows a modified comparative negligence rule, which reduces injured victims’ compensation by the percentage of blame they share for the accident.
  • Don’t sign any paperwork from the trucker’s insurance company. Insurance companies don’t care about accident victims. They care about saving money. They might trick or intimidate you into signing a document that strips you of your rights to the maximum compensation available.
  • Don’t agree to an insurance settlement until you finish your medical treatment. If you accept a settlement offer prematurely, you could incur higher costs than the settlement check.
  • Don’t communicate with the insurance company. Hire Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers, and we’ll speak with them on your behalf. That will ensure you don’t say the wrong thing that results in a denied claim or reduced settlement amount.
  • Don’t pursue the case alone. Most people choose not to seek legal representation because they’re worried about additional costs. Unfortunately, that usually backfires because most individuals involved in vehicle crashes don’t understand the legal process. Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers works on contingency, so you don’t have to pay any upfront fees for a lawyer to handle your case.

Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers Can Help You On Your Road to Recovery

When you hire Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers, one of our Dallas T-bone truck accident attorneys will immediately investigate and gather relevant evidence. The evidence we find will help prove the truck driver or trucking company’s negligence led to your injuries. We can also handle each step of your insurance claim, so you don’t have to worry about doing anything yourself.

We can perform the following steps:

  • Investigate the crash: We’ll review police reports, examine the truck driver’s driving history, speak to eyewitnesses, and access data from the truck’s “black box.” We’ll also examine the trucking company’s vehicle maintenance and repair records, training and education programs, truck driver driving logs, and hiring procedures.
  • Fill out paperwork: We’ll sort through documents from the insurance company to determine whether they’re a legal requirement to fill out and submit. Some paperwork is confusing, and if you don’t fill it out correctly, it could lead to a denied claim. We’ll make sure to complete everything accurately and promptly.
  • Collect evidence: Our Dallas T-bone truck accident attorneys know where to look for vital evidence and how to request it. We’ll get copies of insurance policies, medical records, billing statements, video surveillance, and more.
  • Manage your medical treatment: We’ll ensure your physicians provide doctor notes proving you require ongoing treatment. If your medical records don’t state the type of injury you sustained and that it resulted from the truck accident, the insurance company will deny your claim.
  • Negotiate a settlement: We can negotiate a settlement on your behalf at the end of your case. We’ll fight hard for full and fair compensation so you can pay for your losses and fully recover from your injuries.
  • File a lawsuit: If necessary, we’ll file a lawsuit against the insurance carrier, truck driver, or trucking company. Sometimes, insurance companies will deny the claim and refuse to reopen it. We can sue them and argue our case in court if we have sufficient evidence proving they should pay you. We could also file a lawsuit against the truck driver or their employer if we believe their actions deserve a financial penalty.

Choose Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers

At Benton Accident & Injury Lawyers, we believe in providing clients with compassionate, experienced, and dedicated Dallas truck accident attorneys. You can depend on us to work efficiently on your case and use aggressive tactics to get favorable results. We know how much you need monetary assistance during this devastating experience in your life.

You can schedule a free consultation if you want to pursue a claim or lawsuit or need some legal advice. We’ll meet with you free of charge to review your accident’s details and determine the best option for recovering a settlement. If you choose to hire us, we’ll work on contingency, so you don’t have to pay us unless we win your case.

Contact us at (214) 777-7777 or fill out our online form for more information on our legal services or to schedule an appointment to discuss your T-bone truck accident in Dallas.

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